lanka living surf camp in sri lanka

Lanka living has existed in a market since 2016, offering unforgettable experience to people all over the globe.

We are happy to announce that we are open for any kind of collaborations with you.
Please have a look at the type of collaboration we are mostly interested in but feel free to drop us any other ideas or offers in here too.


Do you own a villa where we could host our retreat?

We are always looking for new spots to host our surf retreats at.

We are mostly interested in villas that are located close to the surf spots in surfing TOWN.
We like to offer comfortable accommodations to our customers as well as services such as swimming pools etc but it’s not a must.
Do you think that your villa is special and would suit our needs? drop us an email and we can check that out!


Fuse Your Retreat!

Are you already organizing some kind of retreats and you would like to fuse them with surfing?
Whether it’s an Empowerment, yoga or any other kind of retreat, we are always open for new adventures!
We would be happy to collaborate with you!

Drop us an email and let us know what kind of retreats are you organizing and we definitely will consider pimping up your retreat with our services!



Are you a surfing/ sport/ travel etc. brand that is looking for collaboration?
Let us know what your product is and if it suits our needs and ethics we will definitely give it a closer look.


2CC Clothing

Have you checked our clothing brand 2CC?
Have a closer look at our collection here.

Are you having a virtual or retail boutique around the world and would like to sell our clothing? Drop us an email and we can collaborate together!

Do you want to surf warm waters,
meet cool friends
and have a wonderful time in our retreats?

Write us to get your spot or
to get more informations!